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Community Banking: Where Trust and Personal Attention Thrive

Our Crews banking family, made up of four individual banks: Charlotte State Bank & Trust, Crews Bank & Trust, Englewood Bank & Trust, and Wauchula State Bank, has helped customers with their banking needs for more than 90 years and is supported by four generations of leadership.


Chart of the Day: Real Estate Cancellation Rate

Today’s Chart of the Day is a heads up from @Nickgerli1 on Twitter about the current state of home construction.


Chart of the Day: Don't Simply Set and Forget

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from an article in the Wall Street Journal, “Bonds Over Stocks: The New 60-40 Portfolio.”


Chart of the Day: Record Loss for Mutual Funds

Today's Chart of the Day is from Morningstar, and shows that, during 2022, Exchange Traded Funds (aka ETFs) took in an impressive $500 billion in assets, while mutual funds lost a record $1,000 billion.


Chart of the Day: Don't Wait to Feel Better

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from J.P. Morgan Asset Management.

These charts show the last nine recessions, going all the way back to 1961, including the stock market return, unemployment level, and the market’s lowest point during that time period.


The Average is Rare

Today’s Chart of the Day from Jeroen Blokland, @jsblockland on Twitter, shows the distribution of one year of returns from the Dow Jones Industrial Average going back to 1900.


Market Pullbacks

An article from Morningstar has several great charts. (To see them all, click on the link.)


Real Estate vs. Stocks Over Long-Term

Recently, I was asked, "Should we invest in real estate or stocks?"

Today’s Chart of the Day is the long-term total return of the FTSE Nareit All REITs Index compiled by FTSE Russell company.


Florida is #1

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from a Wall Street Journal article


Risk of Stocks vs. Bonds

Today’s Chart of the Day comes from @brianferoldi on Twitter who does a great job of making complex things easy to understand.
